surajitghosh Archive

Interesting Facts About Atlanta

The city of Atlanta is growing in height as well as in expanse. This booming metropolitan city traces its creation to the early 1840s when it was a tiny settlement. Nestled at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, the city besides being rated as

Cool Facts About Mauritius

Until the Arabs sailor set foot on the soil of Mauritius in the Middle Ages, this island was a desolate pristine tropical Eden. After centuries of human advent into the island, the country has now grown into a fully vibrant multicultural island of peace,

Interesting Information About Japan

Disciplined, precise, and proactive are the words that define Japanese aptly. The iconic bullet train, gadgets and gizmos, corporate men in black suit or kimono clad women with those unique umbrellas, beautiful ancient temples, anime, and picturesque cherry blossom gardens are the images that

Amazing Facts about Scotland

A priceless jewel in the crown of royal Britain, Scotland is one of the nations that form the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The country has more than 790 islands that include the Northern Isles and the Hebrides. From listening to a bagpipe melody

Fun Facts About Brazil

Brazil is a colossal country that occupies almost half of the South American continent. Since the discovery of the New World this country has enthralled, amused, and captivated explorers, traders, and scientists alike, with its seemingly endless and umpteen reservoir of diversity in natural

Cool Facts About Mice

Mice have been associated and celebrated in the form of cartoon characters, like Mickey Mouse and Jerry that have almost become legends. With meek eyes and innocuous tiny body, a mouse looks absolutely adorable and totally harmless. But looks apart, they can wreak havoc

Amazing Facts About Crow

Crows have shiny jet black plumage with curious eyes, hoping gait, and a remarkable level of intelligence. Admonished as ill-omen, bad luck, or representation of evil; crows, on the contrary, are in fact very interesting birds, who perform some astounding feats with their cleverness

Interesting Facts About Crane

If you happen to be a frequent traveller on trains and if you are a good observer, then it must have happened to you too! Often while traversing, the train comes to an abrupt halt in the middle of nowhere and looking out of