When Told To Take Off The Fallen Soldiers’ T-Shirt By School Administration, This Is What He Says

Teenagers have a reputation for being defiant and always having an excuse for everything, but this time it’s a really good excuse, we promise! You’ve got to love a kid who sticks to his guns, so to speak.

An Oregon 13-year-old named Alan Holmes had some issues after he wore a t-shirt to school that said, “Standing for those who stood for us.” It wasn’t the words that were the problem as much as the picture that went with it. It was an image of the “battlefield cross,” which is a rifle standing in boots with a helmet on top. It symbolizes fallen soldiers, but it had one too many guns for the school administration’s comfort.

The shirt had special meaning for Alan, as his brother is a marine who served in Iraq. He wants to honor soldiers any way he can. The vice principal at Dexter McCarty Middle School told Alan he’d have to change his shirt or have in school suspension. Alan pointed out that the school dress code doesn’t mention weapons on shirts.

Alan said, “It’s not standing for violence, I’ll tell you that. To me, it stands for a memorial for the fallen soldiers who have died fighting for us and our freedom.” Alan’s brother, Chuck, is proud of Alan for standing up for what he believes in.

On the other hand, a statement from the school district said, “…we have a policy on student dress and grooming. Weapons on a shirt are not appropriate in a school setting.” We can understand a zero tolerance policy on images of weapons on clothing, given the recent incidents of school violence. Can the school let the kids wear whatever they want if they say their intentions are good?

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