Toddler Runs To Look At Young Gorilla. No One Expects The Two Of Them To Play Peek-A-Boo


2-year-old Isaiah went on a trip to the Columbus Zoo with his family. While there, he caught his first glimpse of a gorilla in the gorilla cage, and he could not help but feel excited! This little toddler sprints towards the cage in order to get a better look. But no one was prepared for what happened next. I’m so glad Mom and Dad caught this on camera!

When Isaiah reaches the gorilla cage, he climbs onto the rocky area in order to get a better view of Kamoli, a young gorilla his size. When Kamoli sees Isaiah right in front of him, he immediately gets up and walks to the other side of a tree-like pillar that blocks Isaiah’s view. The gorilla then looks back to see if the toddler is following him. Sure enough, Isaiah sprints to the other side to find Kamoli.

This interaction soon transforms into an elaborate game of peek-a-boo, and it’s absolutely adorable. Isaiah keeps chasing Kamoli from side-to-side, and I can’t help but feel my heart melt inside of me.

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