He Came Across A Cat With An Arrow In His Shoulder. When He Took Him To The Vet… Oh My…

Hitting the campaign trail. Interviews and debates, going door to door to raise support for yourself in the upcoming election is hard work. Standing on a street corner shaking everyone’s hand and waving to people driving by, whew! Mayor Peter Nystrom, from Norwich, Connecticut was out doing this very thing when he found a cat that an arrow going right through his body!

The cat was still alive but in obvious distress. He called animal control and the cat, Elliot, was rushed to All Friends Animal Hospital. The veterinarians were able to remove the arrow and what was even more amazing is that the arrow didn’t hit any major blood vessels or organs! Elliot’s owners were found, but they couldn’t afford the surgery, so Nystrom paid the bill!

It is hard to believe that this was an accident. If people need a defenseless, non-moving target for their arrows — aim for a tree or a log.

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