Cops Risk Their Lives To Pull A Dog From A Mudslide, Then They Turn To CPR To Save Him

In May 2015, a deadly landslide claimed the lives of 80 people in Columbia. In this video, we see the Liboriana River in Slagar Columbia was hit by some flash floods and trapped in the muddy water is a small stray puppy. The video, released by RUPTLY video agency shows Colombian police officers risk their lives to save the pup. Officers spotted the dog while searching for survivors.

You can see the helpless animal bobbing up and down in the fast moving waters. The dog gets smashed against some rocks as the officers desperately try to save him. Look at how quickly that current is when the officer steps in! The dog and his rescuer make it to safety – but the dog isn’t breathing. The officers perform mouth-to-mouth on the dog to get him to start breathing again.

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