Geography Archive

Fun Facts About Niagara Falls

The majestic Niagara Falls, spellbinding to look at, are among the most preferred visiting spots in USA and Canada for those who adore the nature’s ferocity. Yet, Niagara Falls, in all their ferocity, spread a mist of calm over their admirers. On this mystic

Interesting Facts About The Arctic Ocean

Though the Arctic and the Antarctic may seem similar to many people, they are in fact poles apart. While the former is a continent surrounded by oceans, the later is an ocean surrounded by continents. And unlike Antarctic, which is a barren desert, the

Interesting Information On Amazon’s Rainforests

Dense rainforest, indigenous tribes, amazing wildlife — Amazon Rainforest is everything you would imagine it to be! Twice the size of India, this most mesmerizing part of the planet teems with wildlife of rare species, deep lushes, impenetrable jungles, and indigenous cultures and languages.

Interesting Facts About The Himalayas

Himalayas, the greatest mountain range of Asia, is home to world’s highest peaks including Mount Everest and K2. They are a group of mountainous regions situated in Southern Asia including Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Tibet, and Nepal. Comprising of 30 mountains and 9 of the