Bolt Proves He Is A True Olympian, Now Wonder He Deserves To Be Called A Legend!

The Olympic Games do more than just make sure that the country participating bring the best men and women in every sport. This event is meant to encourage countries to cease hostilities after the competition. With war and all kinds of hostilities, when two countries share the medals, it should bring them together, proving that even when people are competing for valuables, they should still show mutual respect and humility for each other. Without that kind of respect, the Olympics would lose meaning. In the Olympics, it is not about money, but about peaceful coexistence.

In the video below, Bolt proves just that. Even though he is the fastest known person in the short races, he did something that proved he is a true Olympian. He was being interviewed after he had won a race, when he heard the national anthem of the USA playing, he stopped the interview, placed his right hand on his chest and turned towards the stadium. It is said he does that for every song.

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