Baby Kitten Struggles With Water, So Mama Cat Steps In To Mentor!

This is a story of a mommy cat and her baby kitten and a long sunny day. So it’s been quite a while and the sun’s blazing, baby kitten decided that she was parched and that she needed to drink some water, but the question was how? She sees her mommy in front of her and there she was standing beside the majestic blue water bowl. Mommy knew that her kitten was thirsty, but thought that the kitten wasn’t serious enough to drink!

So while the kitten decided to wander a little to forget about the thirst, mama cat gently tapped on her head with her nose and showed her how she too could drink water from the bowl. She lowered her head and started drinking, to which the kitten just couldn’t resist! She too lowered her hear, maybe a little more and got this instead!

Take a look at this precious moment caught on camera!

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