Sumit Dwivedy Archive

Amazing Facts About Hippopotamus

The hippopotamus was named by the Greeks, which means “river horse”. Nevertheless, hippo is more closely related to pigs than horses. However, recent DNA evidences suggest that the hippopotamus is more closely related to cetaceans i.e. whales and dolphins. The hippopotamus is found in

Fun Facts About Rabbits

Though in reality you won’t find rabbits wearing waist-coats or speaking like human beings or having watches nor will you fall down a rabbit hole to usher in amazingly great new world, yet there are many interesting facts about rabbits which are particularly amusing

Amazing Information On Turtles

Turtles hold great significance, not in the biological world, but even in mythology. The Chinese, for instance, around 2500 B.C., favored a symbol of a snake entwined with a turtle to ward off evil spirits. A legend goes that in the year 456 B.C.,