They Sang ‘Happy Birthday’ To This Horse, But When I Saw His Reaction, I Almost Fell Out Of My Chair!

Horses are capable of forming very strong bonds with their humans and they are extremely loyal.
And while there are many heartbreaking videos out there where horses have been neglected and abused, this isn’t one of them, as a matter of fact it’s the complete opposite. And it’s so wonderful to have the opportunity to see something like this for a change!

There are people out there who go above and beyond for the pets that they love. Sarah, the woman in the video below, decided to throw her horse, JD, a birthday party. She baked a cake, lit some candles and sang happy birthday, but what JD does when the singing ends is sure to have you laughing out loud!

And it just so happens that this adorable horse is the grandson of the greatest racehorse of all time, Secretariat, the Triple Crown Winner. However, there’s one major difference between the two horses, JD isn’t anywhere near as fast as his grandpa was! As a matter of fact, he’s quite slow! But what he lacks in speed, he more than makes up for with his other adorable qualities.

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