Teacher On Drive When She’s Forced To Slam On Breaks. Seconds Later, It Walks Onto Road…

If Rudolph is the red-nosed reindeer, then what is the name of Santa’s all-white reindeer? Whatever his name is — and regardless of whether or not he is allowed to play in any reindeer games — albino reindeer are rare by every stretch of the imagination.

One lucky schoolteacher in Sweden happened to stumble upon one of these extraordinary and breathtaking animals during a weekend vacation. Siv Poijo decided to rent a cottage in order to spend a day in nature taking photographs as a way of escaping from the chaos of living in a busy world.

Boy did she receive a treat! As Poijo was returning from a day of hiking and photo-taking, she caught a glimmer of white, skirting the trees on the side of the road and slammed on the brakes to get a better look. You can imagine her surprise and giddiness at the chance to capture such a breathtaking sight!

Albino reindeer, and other albino creatures, are extremely uncommon in the wild because their bright white coats prevents them from being able to camouflage themselves and hide from predators. Due to their rarity and appearance of purity, Poijo reveres them saying, “The white reindeer have special significance — I think they bring luck and are considered holy.”

All-white reindeer have been seen before, mostly in the cooler, northern areas of the Scandinavian countries Norway, Sweden, and Finland. But surprisingly, earlier in the year, three albino deer were found in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin where it is illegal to shoot or hunt these fascinating creatures.

Seeing a picture of something so rare and gorgeous raises the question, how much beauty are we overlooking or missing while we’re so absorbed and buried in the busyness of our jobs, school, and all our other responsibilities? Especially with the holiday season coming up, this is a good reminder to take a break and appreciate the world and all the creatures that live in it!

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