Rising Flood Waters Drives Her From Her Home. Moments Later, Fed Ex Worker Leaves Her SPEECHLESS.

In Louisiana, there has been a lot of destruction and devastation in the recent flood waters. So many people forced to leave their homes, losing everything in the process.

As a nation, we’ve seen some extraordinary stories of the people trying to help the Louisiana residents in any way possible. For many people, they send their thoughts and prayers to the families who are going through this tough time.

We’ve had brave men and women working on rescue teams to try and help as many people as possible. However, there have also been some everyday citizens who have stepped up in some incredible ways.

The newest viral story out of Louisiana includes a woman and a FedEx worker with a heart of gold. He shows us that a little love can go a long way.

Courtney Burkett Berdon posted a Facebook picture that has taken over the internet. It’s a picture of her mother, Donna Burkett, and the amazing FedEx worker, Jonathan C. Nichols.

Donna was forced to evacuate like so many other residents. When all seemed lost, Johnathon came along to shine a little bit of bright light at the end of a dark tunnel.

The picture shows the two standing and praying together. Courtney said “The FedEx man was making a delivery at my home. He saw my mom was hurting. He stopped and asked if he could pray for her. And there they stood… Together praying…”

It’s a small gesture showing a lot of compassion. The two were complete strangers but that doesn’t stop them from sharing this emotional moment together.

After getting all the attention on social media, someone else noticed that they recognized this FedEx worker.

They said, “This is the same FedEx man that stopped about a year ago when my neighbor got her lawn mower stuck in the ditch. He saw we were struggling and stopped and pulled the lawn mower out.

“He is a very special man! FedEx is lucky to have such an employee.”

You have to admit, FedEx found a real gem when they hired Johnathan. Courtney went on to say,

“In the midst of tragedy and devastation, this is when we as humans do our very best. We come together and selflessly help each other one by one!

“This man will never know the impact he had on my mother but I know it has impacted her for a lifetime.”

Source: http://www.liftable.com/danieltofil/rising-flood-waters-drives-home-moments-later-fed-ex-worker-leaves-speechless/