PETRIFIED Stray Refuses Help. When He Pulls Her From Under Truck… He Makes STUNNING Realization.

It’s always amazing when we hear stories about stray dog rescues. It’s heartbreaking to think how long these poor pooches had to struggle on their own to survive on the streets. Many of them end up in shelters where they may be waiting a long time to get adopted. Thankfully, rescue organizations like Hope for Paws work hard at giving these neglected animals a second chance at life.

Catching homeless dogs can be tricky. All that time on the streets may have made them distrust humans. But rescuing a mama dog presents a whole different set of challenges. She may respond with aggression if she feels her pups are threatened.

When Eldad and Lisa from Hope for Paws heard about curly-haired Petunia, they rushed out right away to get her off the street. She had been spending her days in an abandoned lot where she received the occasional hand out by friendly strangers.

As soon as the little grey dog saw them coming, she scurried under a nearby truck. Eldad has been rescuing dogs off the streets for a long time, so the first thing he wanted to do was test her comfort level with human contact. He crawled underneath the vehicle and reached out to her, to which she responded with a little wag of her tail. After allowing him to pet her under the chin, she became nervous and tried to run off again.

But before she could get away, he quickly grabbed her by the leg and pulled a leash over her neck. Once he was holding her securely, he realized why she was so skittish. Petunia was lactating and there would likely be a littler of pups nearby.

The rescue team was hoping to find several puppies but Petunia only led them to one puppy in a nearby bush who they named Petals. As soon as they reunited, the mama dog with her baby she was able to relax and settled right into Lisa’s lap for the ride to the animal hospital.

Except for Petunia’s matted coat, which had to be shorn off, the vet gave both mommy and daughter a clean bill of health! Petals is expected to open her eyes any day now and as soon as she’s weaned they’ll begin the process of finding the doggy duo a loving home.

Below is a clip of the mommy and daughter spending time together. Aren’t they the cutest? You can see that Petunia has a strong maternal instinct as she lovingly brings Petals in close to her body.

I don’t know what we’d do without kind-hearted people like Eldad and Lisa who take the time out of their day to help these abandoned animals find their forever homes. We’re so glad to know that Petunia and Petals are in good hands and have a bright future ahead of them!

Do you agree with what these organizations are doing for these lonely, neglected animals? Do you think we need more people like Eldad and Lisa? Let us know in the comments below and share this story with your friends!
