Mom watches the cop pull up behind the school bus but then can’t believe what he does

Christina Bell, mother of two from Colorado, finds herself watching a very special moment at her daughter’s school. She then captures it on camera, and shares it with her Facebook community:

“This morning I was waiting to follow my daughters school bus to attend a field trip at the Venetucci farm, my daughter attends Sunrise Elementary.

While I was waiting this police officer pulled up, got out of his car to help this little boy out. I believe he missed his bus and this police officer picked him up, drove him to school, helped him out of the car, then bent down to tie his shoes then walked him in. I had to capture this moment, especially with all the negativity with police officers going around.

How amazing is this to see? I didn’t get this officer’s name, but I felt I needed to share so the world can see that not all police officers are bad.”
