Judge Can’t Stop Smiling When Funny Old Lady Starts Cracking Jokes In Courtroom

A bond court judge in Broward County, Florida couldn’t stop smiling when an 80-year-old woman approached the bench in his courtroom recently.
80-year-old Dolores Sheinis was being warned to stay away from his ex-husband, but that didn’t keep the elderly woman from humorously bantering with the judge, while telling him she in no way violated a protective order. When the judge asks her some questions, she is soon cracking jokes that made the judge and inmates sitting behind her burst out laughing.
“I don’t tip anybody. I make them banana bread and chocolate pudding pie. I make a mean chili,” says Sheinis at one point in their conversation.
“There you go ma’am. I gotta tell you, you brighten my day ma’am,” says the judge.
“That’s what the last guy said and then he sued me,” Sheinis deadpans.
“Ma’am, have you ever thought about doing a standup routine?” asks the judge.
“I did. If you paid me good money, sweetheart. I’ll be here I’m really short of funds,” she responds.
The funny back and forth continues for a few minutes, after which Dolores is dismissed from bond court, having left everyone with a smile on their face.

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