He Lines Up 66,000 Cups Filled With Water 1 By 1. When The Camera Zooms Out, THIS Is Revealed. OMG!

Artist Belo Serge creates the world’s largest artistic mosaic using thousands of cups of colored rain water to raise awareness about the global water crisis. The image, depicting a fetus in the womb symbolizes the significant role water plays for each living being even before birth.
Belo and 100 volunteers get together and put in 62 hours of work to create this 3,600 square feet masterpiece which is composed of 66,000 compostable and biodegradable cups. Around 15,000 litres of rainwater and 1 kg of vegetable dye are used to create different shades of colored rain water depicting the varying level of impurities in water samples from all over the world.
This ingenious idea definitely conveys a very powerful message to the public about the importance of water conservation and the relevance of clean, drinking water to all life forms.

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