Everyday Dad Puts A “Special” Napkin In His Kids’ Lunch Box. When You See What It Is…

Remember the good old days when mom or dad used to pack your lunch before school? You would sit down at lunch time and every day would be a surprise. Some of us were even lucky enough to get little notes in our lunches from mom or dad that made us feel special.

The little love notes would serve as the best pick me up during the school day. Well for the children of Billy Ivey, that is not always the case.

He enjoys leaving notes for his children, but they are not what you would typically think of when it comes to lunchbox notes.

According to Ivey himself, “Sometimes I put notes in my kids’ lunchboxes because I love them. Other times, it’s just because I am an idiot.”

The father enjoys writing notes to his children with a comic flair. While he does love his children, and makes sure to tell them, he also enjoys having fun with his lunch box notes.

He has begun to photograph some of them and post them on social media. He quickly became extremely popular for the humorous notes to his children.

These are just a few of many hilarious lunch box notes Ivey has left in his kid’s lunches. He posts them with the hashtag “#NAPKINNOTES” and people are just loving it!

The things this father thinks of to write to his children are pure comedy, and I’m sure his children get a good laugh at school. I’m sure they will appreciate having photos of these notes down the road, and they can remember how funny their dad is!

This idea is so awesome, and is definitely something many of us should start doing!

We cannot stop laughing around here, and hope you get a kick out of these too! Enjoy!

Source: http://thoughtfulwomen.org/2016/08/08/dad-napkin-notes/