Gadgets Archive

One Coin for All of Your Cards

If your wallet’s starting to get a little too thick to fit in your pocket, Coin might be able to lighten your load. It looks no different than a standard credit card, but is actually a small device that can act as a credit

The iDiot Experience

Yes, our happiness is based on things we don’t need and governed by entities we don’t control, so what? This is an awesome video about how droids get addicted to a device called the iDiot! Kind of reminds me of the cartoon about what

The Simplest Solution To Panning A Camera

Ever tried panning the camera with your hands. It’s always uneven and sometimes, the tripod doesn’t help much either. You have two options to fix this, one costs hundreds of dollars and the other almost nothing. Check it out. Subscribe to MBV

Running Or Cycling Or Both?

This creation provides people with a contraption that allows them to use their running ability to power the vehicle and when you build up enough speed, you simply put your legs up and relax as you go. Subscribe to MBV