Boaters Turn Their Camera To The Water Just In Time To See The Biggest Whale Of All

Have you ever been on a whale watching tour? Whales are notoriously shy and very few tours can promise a sighting. Many hopeful whale watchers return home having seen little more than a pretty sunset over the ocean. There are only 12,000 blue whales in the sea, so they’re a particularly exciting sight. Blue whales tend to keep to themselves, far from boats and prying human eyes.
Not this whale! He was preoccupied with the day’s tasty meal and hardly even noticed a boat packed full of humans. Passengers were privy to one of the most up close and personal encounters you can get: a view of the animals tonsils as he came straight for the boat while feeding. His huge jaws reentered the water just centimeters from the boat’s edge, splashing spectators in the process.

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