Babies And Animals Always Make Us Smile. But When I Learned TRUTH Behind This Photo? I AM MELTING!

For ages, cats and dogs have gone through the endless battle of who is superior. Cats VS Dogs. Cats and dogs, life long rivals fighting for the affection of humans. While many people enjoy both of these furry creatures, many others are either a cat person or a dog person.

Whether you’re a cat person, dog person, or a fan of both sides, there’s one thing we can all probably agree on. Cats are the rulers of the internet. Millions of adorable images and videos have almost named cats as the face of the internet.

In fact, cat videos have more “average views” than any other video subject on YouTube. Day by day we see more of these precious felines pulling at our heart strings.

Well, Klaus the cat is happy to add one more heart melting video to the internet’s collection. Klaus is an older tabby cat who spent much of his life as a stray. Despite being abandoned for most of his life, he never lost his affectionate side.

When his new family found him and took him in, he gained a home and a real chance at living a happy life. He’ll always love the family who saved him and took him in.

The family was expecting a new member any day. Baby Fern was born and they weren’t sure how Klaus would feel about this new baby taking away from Klaus’ attention.

A month after Fern was born, it was obvious that Fern loved this child just like it was always a part of the family. Klaus lays with the newborn, keeping Fern cozy and safe.

I guess this is what they meant when they coined the term “cat nap”. These two look like they’re going to be inseparable.

Dog person or cat person, you have to admit that Klaus and Fern maken for quite the adorable duo. He was once a stray, but it looks like Klaus found his forever home with these guys.
