He Was Tired Of Looking At Boring Office Walls, So He Bought 9,000 Post-It Notes. The Result Is Amazing


‘Work is worship’, but sadly most of us just do it for the heck of it and do not derive any pleasure. However, there are many who gain immense contentment from the accomplishment of their work and want to challenge themselves and improvise every single time. They are not the ones who go to office, spend the stipulated time required of them and leave. Rather, they like their job and find out new ways to make it even more interesting. A man enjoyed his career but felt the monotony which his office interiors generated. Thus, he used his creativity to make his office feel new and full of zeal. A glimpse of his innovation and the way he transformed the boring walls into graffiti is narrated through the images.

1. One day I just got so tired of how sterile and boring our office felt, I thought I should do something about it.



2. As you can see, the walls are pretty plain, but that meant I had a lot of space to work with. I realized that painting would take a long time, and would be difficult to remove (I had the building facilities department to worry about), so I landed on Post-Its as a semi-cheap and fully temporary solution.


3. I wanted something colorful, playful, and inspiring. My creative director and I tossed around some ideas. Famous Portraits? Pixelated iconic posters?

Eventually, he suggested superheroes. Superheroes were the answer.


4. Superheroes are strong and inspiring figures. They are iconic, and recognizable. Plus, we could design them ourselves.


5. Some wonderful people in my office volunteered to come in over the weekend to help install the mural.




6. The finished piece!









A video to better display the hard work put in by all the people to make it happen.

Inspired by the creativity? Share this story and inspire others to make their workplace or their homes colorful and lively.