The World’s Biggest Bonfire Is Fueled By Thousands Of Stacked Wooden Pallets

The reason behind the massive bonfire is known as Sankthans, or ‘Midsummer,’ which is an annual festival in commemoration of John the Baptist’s birth.

Scandinavian countries celebrate this day on June 24th as well as some parts of Europe. Slinningsbålet, the bonfire, set a record for the tallest bonfire in 2010 when residents built the bonfire up to 132ft. The base of the bonfire is approximately 65ft and took 30-40 people to build it.

What’s a little scary about it is that one person must ignite the bonfire from the top so it burns from top to bottom which is supposed to avoid potential disaster. I wonder how quickly someone needs to rush down before the thing ignites?! Check out the video below:

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