Sometimes Security Cameras Capture Images That Can Be So Strange and Funny


People usually install surveillance cameras outside their homes for security reasons to register any suspicious activities going on. But what this man’s security camera records has got nothing to do with suspicious activities. Yet it one of the most interesting things ever recorded by him.

When a FedEx van drives into this lane, the neighbor’s three dogs get excited. See how they follow the truck with their eyes, all the while getting all excited and barking. Now the truck is out of sight. But something’s the matter with it; the dogs are jumping and barking again.

Watch as the truck comes back into view—it’s a funny sight! The truck is gliding back on reverse, with its driver frantically running after it! How did it happen? Looks like the truck’s going to hit a house! Thankfully it’s stopped in its way. But how? Watch on to know!

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