Insects Archive

Fun Facts About Honey Bee

Among all the insects that buzz around or crawl creepily on earth, there is one that, few know, that has been around for millions of years and is listed among the most profitable insects to the human beings – Honey Bees. Reasons are twofold.

Interesting Facts About Cockroach

Cockroach, the name itself instils repugnance. Yes, these creatures are creepy, probably creepiest of the creepy, but they too have a life, a really interesting one at that. These creatures are the dwellers of the dark, and they are out with a purpose, well,

Interesting Information About Earthworm

Earthworm is a creature, which is long, wiggly, segmented, and reddish-grey in colour. Earthworms are found in different colours like, purple, reddish-brown, and bright blue. They have hair on their body which help them to crawl. Earthworms have no lungs, but they breathe through

Interesting Facts About Ladybugs

Considered to be the king of insects, the red coloured and black spotted ladybug, commands a great respect in many of the international cultures. It will come as a surprise to many that not all the ladybugs are females, and scientifically speaking they are